He convinced his publisher, signet books, to print these novels under a pseudonym. One of king’s earliest works, rage wasn’t published until he had established himself and when it was, it was published under the author name richard bachman. The Bachman Books Four Early Novels Rage The Long Walk Roadwork The Running Man ---with A New Introduction By Stephen Stephen King Running Man King Book The book has been awarded with booker prize, edgar awards and many others. The bachman books rage . Four early novels by richard bachman: rage first appeared as a paperback under king's pseudonym richard bachman in 1977 and then was published in 1985 in a collection of short novels, titled the bachman books. The book was released in 1985 after the publication of the first hardcover bachman novel thinner in order to introduce bachman to fans who did not know about king's work under this pseudonym (little of which was still in. Rage is the fourth book published by stephen king; 5...